General Discussion : Seeing Kestrel activity near two boxes

We've had some reports of Kestrel activity on and around a previously unused nest box that we set over a year ago. There seem to be a pair perching and hunting on and around this box. The property owners are very excited to possibly finally have guests.

At another box we have that was successfully used last season, I observed a Kestrel pair chasing a Red-tailed hawk pair from the nest box area, then perching nearby as if keeping an eye on the box. There is a Red-tailed hawk nest about 200 feet from this nest box that was successfully used last year so it seems they are going to have to cope with each other.

Here's wishing you all an Active and Exciting nesting season.

Dave Frechette

Prescott Audubon Society

Prescott AZ


NM-Kestrel-Laura's picture

Oh dear! That RTH nest sounds perilously closeby. Crossing fingers!

Jill from MN's picture

Do red-tails prey on kestrels?   

Posted in General Discussion by Prescott Audubon Society 6 years 1 month ago.

