2017 KestrelCam Discussion

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Delorahilleary's picture
2017 KestrelCam Discussion

Hello! Welcome to the 2017 KestrelCam season!

We're back with a great camera courtesy of Bosch, and a new streaming platform on Youtube. If you notice a problem with streaming, try refreshing the page and restarting the streams. If you have technical issues or any other kind of issue, please use the contact staff link to get assistance. Please feel free to report any spam or disrespect to AKP staff.

Remember to be respectful and courteous to other viewers, and enjoy the show!

Stay on the lookout for live chats this year, every Tuesday and Thursday at noon MST. I'll be chatting with everyone to answer any and all questions.

Click here to view this thread with the most recent comments on top!

-Delora Hilleary

Administrator - The Peregrine Fund
Administrator - The Peregrine Fund's picture

We are unable to move all the comments on this post into this new forum. You can view them in the archived discussion at https://hub.peregrinefund.org/kestrelcams-2017-discussion